As a registered voter in Arizona, you have the following rights:
- You have the right to have your vote accurately counted.
- You have the right to cast a vote if you are physically in line at the time the polls close at 7 p.m.
- You have the right to vote in all the races on your ballot or in the races that you choose. You are NOT required to cast a vote in every race or on every ballot question.
- Voters are required to present identification at the polls. Only one valid photo identification, such as a driver’s license, tribal enrollment card, or any other valid United States federal, state, or local government-issued identification, is required as long as it includes your name and current address. If you do not have a current photo identification, two forms of identification are required specifying your current name and address. Examples include a utility bill or bank statement dated within 90 days of the election date or a valid Arizona vehicle registration.
- You have the right to cast a provisional ballot if your name is not on the rolls or you have moved to a different address within the county and didn’t notify elections officials. To vote by provisional ballot, you are still required to provide identification verifying your name and address to ensure you’re in the correct voting precinct. If you have moved to a different address, you must affirm in writing the new residence address and cast your provisional ballot at the polling place that corresponds to your new address. Your provisional ballot will NOT count if the County Recorder determines that you voted in the wrong precinct OR at the wrong polling place. You have a right to know if the provisional ballot counted.
- You have the right to personal assistance in voting if needed. This includes both the right to have a poll worker assist you and the right to bring someone of your choice, such as a friend or family member, into the voting booth to assist you if you need it.
- You have the right to assistance if you need help voting due to a disability. This includes the right to bring someone with you to assist.
- You have the right to receive voting materials in additional languages in certain counties.
- In Apache county: Navajo.
- In Coconino County: Navajo.
- In Gila County: Apache.
- In Graham County: Apache.
- In Maricopa County: Spanish.
- In Navajo County: Navajo.
- In Pima County: Spanish.
- In Pinal County: Apache.
- In Santa Cruz County: Spanish.
- In Yuma County: Spanish.
- You have the right to receive a replacement ballot if you make a mistake prior to casting your ballot. If you make a mistake, start over with a fresh ballot! Do NOT attempt to correct your error on the original ballot.
- You have the right to take three hours off from work to vote on Election Day without penalty if your regular work shift starts before 9 a.m. and ends after 4 p.m. Your employer has the right to set the time you may take for voting.
- You have the right to be informed, in advance, of your precinct location and its hours of operation. If you do not know where your precinct is on Election Day, you may call your County Recorder or visit their website in order to find out. If you arrive at the wrong polling place for your precinct, you may call your County Recorder or ask a poll worker in order to find out the correct one.
- If you’ve previously registered to vote, you have the right to vote by provisional ballot in your new precinct if you have moved within the same county but have not yet registered at your new address. Your poll worker must allow you to vote after you fill out an address verification form. If you move to another Arizona county and wish to be eligible to vote, you must register in that county.
- You have the right to vote free from coercion, pressure or intimidation by poll workers, elections officers, campaigners or any other person.
- You have the right to vote free from intrusion on your privacy during the voting process. Interruptions should occur only at your request, such as when you ask for assistance.
- You have the right to ask questions or raise concerns. Alert a poll worker and Election Protection immediately if you have any problems voting or notice any irregularities with the system.
- You have the right to receive notice from the County Recorder's Office before any determination that you are not eligible to vote on Election Day. You have the right to contest any inaccuracies that led to that determination.
If you have any problems or questions on Election Day, call the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
updated: October 2020