In the United States, over 6.1 million Americans are barred from voting due to felony convictions. Felony disfranchisement laws vary from state to state, with Arizona’s policy among the 10 most regressive. Arizona has one of the most complicated restoration processes in the country making it difficult for citizens to get their right to vote back. Some states bar all persons with a felony conviction from voting.
Arizona has the eighth highest rate of African-American disfranchisement in the country.
Many disfranchised individuals are no longer incarcerated, but are living in their communities on probation or parole; More than 3 million members of the disfranchised population have fully completed their sentences. These disfranchised individuals are tax-paying citizens, involved with the issues in their community, but unable to vote on the issues that affect them.
The impact of felony disfranchisement falls disproportionately upon communities of color. Nearly 2.2 million African-Americans, or one out of thirteen, are disfranchised due to felony convictions. If incarceration rates hold steady, 3 in 10 of the next generation of black men can expect to be disfranchised at some point in their lives. Black Americans are 4 times more likely to lose voting rights.
Arizona has more restrictive felony disfranchisement laws than 40 other states, including New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Texas and California.
Arizona Disfranchisement Policy
Who is disfranchised regionally?
Who is disfranchised in Arizona?
An estimated 221,170 people with felony convictions are barred from voting in Arizona. Only 20% of the disfranchised are in prison. Almost 116,717 individuals, about 53% of the disfranchised population, have fully completed their sentences. Like many of us, individuals who have fully completed their sentences live in their communities and work, pay taxes and raise families.
Racial Impact
The vast majority of Arizona’s disfranchised population is not in prison or jail, but lives in Arizona’s communities.
Arizona has the eighth highest rate of African-American disfranchisement in the United States. African Americans comprise 11.89% of the disfranchised population, even though they comprise only 4% of the state's voting age population.
Voting & Public Safety
An estimated 221,170 Arizona residents are disfranchised.
How can I help in Arizona?